Today, as I wrestle with several things, I am waiting on the Lord for, I felt like the Lord was saying to me as he did to Martha,
“Didn’t I tell you that you would see My glory if you just believe?!”
I find myself praying for my unbelief a lot these days and gaining power from repeating aloud what I’m believing him for.
I’m curious,
What are you waiting on the Lord for that he is reminding you this morning the opportunity you have to see his glory shine through, to witness a miracle here on earth if you would just believe?
”Then Jesus, with intense emotions, came to the tomb—a cave with a stone placed over its
entrance. Jesus told them, “Roll away the stone.” Then Martha said, “But Lord, it’s been four days since he died—by now his body is already decomposing!” Jesus looked at her and said, “Didn’t I tell you that if you will believe in me, you will see God unveil his power?” So they rolled away the heavy stone. Jesus gazed into heaven and said, “Father, thank you that you have heard my prayer, for you listen to every word I speak. Now, so that these who stand here with me will believe that you have sent me to the earth as your messenger, I will use the power you have given me.” Then with a loud voice Jesus shouted with authority: “Lazarus! Come out of the tomb!”“ John 11:38-43 TPT
Try to speak out this morning what you are believing Him for. Affirm and reaffirm that you trust God in this season as you wait on his perfect timing.
Let’s get ready to witness firsthand His glory on display!