I am reminded on a regular basis why I only read 1 chapter a day. It's like manna for real. It's a RIGHT on time Word so often. I have been worrying/wondering about specifics on a handful of
things the Lord has shown me will be or given me vision for. I don't know about you but when my

circumstances aren't lining up to what I believe He has shown me I start to get frustrated and a little scared even. Today was such a precious reminder that the Lord WILL provide.
“So Moses sent out orders through the camp: “Men! Women! No more offerings for the building of the Sanctuary!” The people were ordered to stop bringing offerings! There was plenty of material for all the work to be done. Enough and more than enough.”
Exodus 36:6-7 MSG
When God does it, there is more than enough!
Not only did he provide the workers, the skill and the resources, there was so much they had to be told, "enough." That's almost comical to me as I sit here wondering about some things in my own life. The comical part is me laughing at myself. How could I ever worry, wonder or question what God says. I’m so grateful for this beautiful reminder. Im so grateful my Daddy goes above and beyond to remind me He won’t just provide, He’ll do it so big the overflow will help beyond what God is doing here.
I’m thankful to be in His will. "Lord not my will, but THY will be done!"