“The fire shall be burning continually on the altar; it shall not [be allowed to] go out.”
Leviticus 6:13 AMP
Sin was rampant. I can only imagine the constant flow of sacrifices being made, day and night. The weight of sin must have felt unbearable, and the endless rituals a stark reminder of humanity's need for a Savior. Oh, how we needed Jesus then. Oh, how I need Jesus now.
Today, I found myself drawn to the FIRE. I went on a bit of a search for the symbolism of fire in scripture.
It represents His presence—a consuming, holy presence that purifies and empowers.
When Moses encountered the burning bush, it wasn’t just fire; it was the voice of the Lord speaking from within it. In the desert, the Israelites were led by a pillar of fire, a constant reminder of God’s guidance and protection. Fire is also a symbol of God’s wrath against sin. It purges,

refines, and burns away what is impure. The same fire that brings renewal and warmth can also bring judgment. And yet, fire is also the Holy Spirit.
On the day of Pentecost, tongues of fire rested on the disciples, filling them with power, boldness, and the presence of God Himself.
My pastor spoke today about the Holy Spirit, and all I can think about is this: keep the fire burning. In Leviticus, the priests were commanded to keep the fire on the altar burning—it was never to go out. What a profound reminder! The fire of God’s presence was meant to be a continual, unending reality. And just as the priests were tasked with keeping that fire burning, we too are called to fan the flames of our relationship with God.
Fan the flames: We become what we behold. When we focus on Jesus—His Word, His presence, His creation—we are transformed. His fire refines and ignites us with purpose.
...A few more thoughts: Leviticus 6 VLOG